Watch our informational videos for tips, frequently asked questions, and more!
Attorneys David Slonim and Kathleen Good speak at the Good Samaritan Village about Estate Planning, or as we call it, Life Planning.
David Slonim discusses living wills and their use in general, and the new Covid-19 living will supplement available on our site’s reading room.
4 Minute Lawyer (Ep 1): The Durable Power of Attorney. David Slonim talks about the Florida Powers of Attorney and how they work.
The 4 Minute Lawyer: Why do I need to do estate planning when I don’t have an estate? That’s a common question I’m asked and here’s my answer. Life Planning consists mostly of documents necessary to address incapacity issues and not death issues. The Advance Directives (Durable Power of Attorney, Health Care Surrogate, Living Will, and Pre-Need Guardianship Declaration) are arguable as important, if not more so, than who gets your stuff when you’re dead.
Attorney David Slonim discusses Guardianship during a Virtual START Conference with Brevard Public Schools.
Attorney David Slonim discusses the types of Beneficiary designations like Payable on Death or Transfer on Death for different assets and how they can benefit you.